Call for Nomination – 6th Annual ACAMH Awards 2024

The ACAMH Awards aim to recognise high quality work in evidence-based science, both in publication and practice, in the field of child and adolescent mental health. Nominations will be evaluated by a panel of leading figures in the field, along with ACAMH trustees and the Editors-in-Chief of our journals (JCPP, JCPP Advances and CAMH).
DEADLINE FOR NOMINATIONS Wednesday 31st July 2024 at midnight UK time. The awards will be presented at an online ceremony on Thursday 7th November 2024. Details will be announced closer to the time.
Awards are open to child and adolescent mental health professionals across the world. There is a specific Award for "Innovative Research, Training or Practice in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs)", which is only open to colleagues in LMICs.
Please click here for full details of the call for nomination. Self-nomination is allowed for some categories.
If you have any questions, please email:
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